Fat Bird (胖胖鸡)

Fat Bird on Liang Seah Street is a place I love bringing my friends, not just for the great Chongqing food, but also the cool atmosphere and vibe of the restaurant & area. While the main attraction here is the spicy chicken pot - which is awesome in its own right - the laziji here is also fantastic and at a very reasonable price.
Aaron 12 May 2015   ⋅   5,966 views   ⋅  1 favorite
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Recent Comments

  • I've always had a thing for spicy food so when a friend introduced me to the La Zi Ji at Fat Bird, I fell in love with it immediately! Nothing beats a well-balanced La Zi Ji dish- crispy diced chicken, just the right amount of peppercorn and spiciness enough to make you sit up. I think Fat Bird got it all right. Definitely my fave one in town :D
    louannwong 08 Jun 2015
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  • I can't take the spiciness but damn those man taus are GREAT
    rachel 16 May 2015
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  • Fat Bird is my go-to place for a great laziji. It is quite crispy in texture and is very flavorful. Nothing too fancy, just nicely cooked and fairly priced. Beware that it can get VERY spicy, so let the staff know if you want it toned down a level or two.
    Aaron 12 May 2015