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Haha, the piña colada is by far, my favorite cocktail, closely followed by a mojito (yes, I like my rum, and what?). I would usually never go for the fruit & veggie smoothies, because why would you want to when you could have the zomg-so-damn-good-but-so-damn-packed-with-calories seed/nut/protein smoothies? Don't get me wrong though - as mean and green as it looks, it's pretty darn tasty.
It tastes like exactly what's in it - the taste of apple makes the taste of kale go down better. Sometimes those heavy nut/seed/protein smoothies are a bit heavy for a hot summer day, so this little number does the trick. It's refreshing, light and sweet!
This may not be my favorite one yet, but it is my favorite out of the Fruit/Veggie assortment. The other that would follow closely is C-Energiser.
210 Kcal / Protein 4.5g (450ml)
200 Kcal / Protein 3.5g (340ml)
Pineapple, Banana, Cucumber, Apple, Kale, Coconut Water
16 May 2015