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I love all the ingredients in this. Like, all of it, except for the Vanilla Pro Mix, but you know what? It tastes so darn good with everything else in this smoothie.

It's thick, creamy and so sweet. It's a very mild taste. Did you know that good ol' nutty cashews is an energy booster?

Of course, if you are not a fan of avocados, don't try it. You'll definitely find the taste of avocados a little overpowering. For a moment there, I typed "overempowering" - though not a real word, it is what I feel when I drink this to get me through the day after a tough workout in the morning. The name really is what it is - it refuels you. SO MUCH POWER.

640 Kcal / Protein 53g (450ml)
500 Kcal / Protein 49g (340ml)

Soy Milk, Banana, Vanilla Pro Mix, Yogurt, Avocado, Raw Honey, Cashew Nuts
rachel 16 May 2015   ⋅   722 views