
FounderDating is like a LinkedIn / social network / discussion forum solely for entrepreneurs and startup founders. The site was made for people to find potential co-founders for their ventures, but also has many other useful features such as their blog and discussion boards.

The Daily Digest email newsletters in particular are excellent - a steady stream of topics from other founders on anything and everything relevant to someone running a startup, with thoughtful replies and debates from other founders. This is by far the aspect I love and use the most.
Aaron 21 Jul 2015   ⋅   1,000 views
Very Good
2 votes

Recent Comments

  • I love this site and use it daily via the Daily Digest discussion summaries. The entire community is composed of founders and entrepreneurs, many of whom are facing / have faced the same issues and decisions that we come across. Lots of great ideas and conversations around an endless amount of high level as well as very specific topics relevant to the startup scene.

    Sign up for their daily digest and read the discussions you're interested in - you'll get a lot of useful insights.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Some really interesting threads which are summarised each week in email to subscribers. A really useful and engaged audience to run your own opinions or questions by particularly given their filtered membership criteria.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015