Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

This book comes highly recommended by a good college buddy of mine on how to structure and deliver your pitch. I haven't actually read the book yet, but I watched the video interview linked below and thought it was very useful.

The key parts to me were how the brain works in processing and filtering information, as well as how to structure a pitch in a narrative format to maximize success. There are also some points about how to approach these meetings and command control over them, be in a position of power, etc - some may love this and some may hate it, so just take whatever works for you.
Aaron 01 Aug 2015   ⋅   1,681 views
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Recent Comments

  • I haven't read the book but I watched the YouTube interview with London Real and found it to be very useful. I especially love the parts about the 'crocodile brain' and how to structure information to be interesting, as well as the advice to start with a narrative around the proposition before continuing on to the problem and then solution.

    Highly recommended for anyone that may need to pitch/sell or even explain anything.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • I have a background in asset management sales and have always been a little skeptical of "evangelists" focused on the subject of selling/closing. I did, however, enjoy watching the interview in the link provided in the description above - some interesting/useful concepts in creating the perceived scarcity of what you are looking to sell.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015