For very simple tasks within programming, design, marketing, and many other fields, Fiverr is a great platform to find freelance help. Prices start at just $5 and increase as you add on additional features and requirements. There is also a robust review and feedback system for you to review past work and make informed decisions.
TheHubSG 19 Aug 2015   ⋅   1,993 views
Very Good
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  • @Xixi I've heard this a few times. Don't use Fiverr to have someone program an entire custom site from scratch. But if you need help with stuff like installing Wordpress themes or small HTML stuff, it is pretty great for just a few bucks.
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
  • My PHP website had a bug that wasn't letting users log in for some reason and my freelancer was on holiday, so I tried out Fiverr. I went for the cheapest option - a random guy for $5 who had decent but not great reviews - and he got the job done, though took 1.5 days to respond. Look into the reviews next time so you know what you're getting.
    Stoopy 19 Aug 2015
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  • Tried out Fiverr to find a programmer to build me a recommendation engine, but it seems most of them only do short & simple tasks. So I wouldn't suggest using this for anything that takes more than a couple hours to a day.
    Xixi 19 Aug 2015
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  • I wanted a company logo and had no idea where to start since I don't know photoshop. I found someone specialising in retro logos that I liked, and they also had good reviews. $5 and a few emails later I have a cool logo.
    Reg84 19 Aug 2015
  • I spent a few hours trying to make (seemingly) simple tweaks to my Wordpress blog template and decided to try out Fiverr. The ratings & reviews were really useful to choose freelancers, and I got a response within an hour! The guy was really skilled and fast and I had the option paying an extra $5 to get it done within 24 hours (instead of 3 days). So $10 total to fix everything I wanted within the same day - a really good deal!
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
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