For very simple tasks within programming, design, marketing, and many other fields, Fiverr is a great platform to find freelance help. Prices start at just $5 and increase as you add on additional features and requirements. There is also a robust review and feedback system for you to review past work and make informed decisions.
TheHubSG 19 Aug 2015   ⋅   1,989 views
  • I spent a few hours trying to make (seemingly) simple tweaks to my Wordpress blog template and decided to try out Fiverr. The ratings & reviews were really useful to choose freelancers, and I got a response within an hour! The guy was really skilled and fast and I had the option paying an extra $5 to get it done within 24 hours (instead of 3 days). So $10 total to fix everything I wanted within the same day - a really good deal!
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
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