Hubbers Facebook Group

It's always useful to post your offer on our Hubbers Facebook Group. Other Hubbers are usually quite handy in referring friends and contacts to other Hubbers.
TheHubSG 19 Aug 2015   ⋅   1,011 views
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Recent Comments

  • I went to the Facebook group looking to get referrals to interns, but ended up meeting someone who became my co-founder. Am really glad I didn't corner myself into an 'internship/jobs' site since I got so much more out of the process. Plus, I got a bunch of cool feedback and potential partnerships as a result of letting people know about what I'm doing.

    Hint: post here even if you're not looking for interns, you never know what you'll get!
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
    Like ⋅ 1 like Reply
  • A great place to start your search for an intern. You quickly discover that you're not the only one who has gone down this path. The wealth of knowledge, contacts, and suggestions that this community can provide is often priceless.
    Stoopy 19 Aug 2015