Vann Lane, Fernhurst, West Sussex

Featured in Good dog walks

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Drive down Vann Lane and over the bridge. As you get to the straight part of the road park on the verge on Vann Lane and opposite there is a walk into the fields of West Sussex. Walk past a cottage and through a gate into fields. Often there are sheep (and lambs in the Springtime) in the fields so it will be necessary to keep dogs on a lead. Once through these fields dogs can be off the lead. Walk across a bridge over the lake and see the remains of the iron ore works. Through a wooded area and down the side of the fields which are often planted with a crop, so keep to the sides. Often you can see buzzards flying above. Perhaps not such a good walk if it's been wet as it's on clay. This walk will take approximately 1 hour.
Susie 15 Mar 2015   ⋅   489 views