Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (podcast)

A series of recorded lectures at Stanford by founders of hugely successful companies. Their stories, lessons, tips, and a Q&A at the end. Basically what you would get if you were sitting in a seminar with a bunch of great entrepreneurs as guest speakers.
Aaron 23 Mar 2015   ⋅   2,739 views
Very Good
2 votes

Recent Comments

  • I really enjoy listening to these hour-long lectures by experienced entrepreneurs and investors and the lessons they have learnt; they're perfect for my daily commute to work! Lots of unique stories and perspectives to glean from.

    Of course, some speakers are more relevant to you than others, so just pick and choose based on the name, title, and/or company if you don't want to listen to them all.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • There's a lot of material to choose from throughout this ongoing series. I've picked up some great snippets from each podcast that I've listened to with my personal favourites being "Putting Startup Success in Perspective - John Collison (Stripe) - 18th Feb 2015" and "Find your venture's emotional core - Susan Koger (Modcloth) - 27th May 2015".
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015