Google Analytics

Amazing tool for analytics on your website to help you track everything from the number of visitors and page views to how many people are on your site right now and what they're currently looking at. Incredibly powerful features to really help you analyze your traffic and optimize your site to maximize user engagement. A must have for any online business, and its FREE!
Aaron 07 Apr 2015   ⋅   1,241 views
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Recent Comments

  • Google Analytics is AMAZING! It is the only tab that has a dedicated portion of my screen 24/7. Real time analysis of active users and what pages they're on, historical data on viewership and metrics, analytics of where your users are coming from (e.g. Facebook, Google search, a forum link), and a bunch of other uber helpful things I probably haven't even discovered yet.

    If you have a website then you 100% must have Google Analytics set up for it.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Not sure what life would have been like for tech start-up founders before Google Analytics. It continues to amaze me what this service provides website owners for zero cost.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015