So many "WTF" moments, but all in all, a pretty cool movie if you aren't lookin' for a story. Literally, shout-out-loud "what the fuhhhhhhhhhhhh" in the cinema. Everyone else silent as crap, as if cars fallin' out of the sky is NBD.

I must admit - I have never seen any of the FF films. I went into this one knowing only this: 1) Letty lost her memory but has now somehow regained it - and used to screw Vin Diesel; 2) Paul Walker is gone (RIP) so looked out for cgi versions of unfinished scenes; 3) it's about cars and violence and shiz.

I didn't really need to know much else.
rachel 08 Apr 2015   ⋅   1,359 views   ⋅  1 favorite
Very Good
2 votes

Recent Comments

  • I like it but I thought 5 and 6 were better.
    lohnje 10 Apr 2015
  • Just saw this movie last night with Xixi - we both really enjoyed it. Great action and over-the-top scenes like you said. The ending was sad tho... RIP Paul
    Aaron 09 Apr 2015
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