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This is by far my favourite, go-to choice. It's refreshing and keeps me feeling fuller for longer. Maca is a great energy booster and mood lifter, so say goodbye to the dreadful, humid weather dragging you down. This smoothie uses vegan protein, so it's a great post-work-out recovery drink. Vegan protein contains high levels of amino acids to help boost the immune system and it also play important roles in muscle tissue repair.
Of course, taste-wise, if you're a fan of bananas and coconut, this is definitely a good one to try! It's got a delightful, thick, creamy texture as well.
Tip: This smoothie is very sweet, so try requesting for less or no sugar.
Warning: Super calorie-jammed. I would only treat myself to this if I've worked super hard.
780 Kcal / Protein 28g (450ml)
510 Kcal / Protein 32g (340ml)
Here are the ingredients:
Coconut Water, Banana, Coconut Pulp, Cashew Nuts, Sprouted Rice Protein Powder, Coconut Palm Sugar, Maca, Chia Seeds, Pink Himalayan Salt
11 Apr 2015