Key West

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Does the green scare you, or does it entice you? I call this the Hulk. Try this one if you're lookin' for some exotic kick (of color!) to your smoothie! It's a lovely green, hulky color. It's probably from the mix of avocado and spirulina. I think this smoothie is an acquired taste. You gotta at least like avocados if you want to enjoy this, because the smoothie basically tastes a bit like a balmy fresh vegetable infused creamy butter...but this is meant to mask the taste of spirulina (IMHO, is like, pond scum). There are so many benefits to this mean, green combo if you can take them! Avocados are a healthy fat and is very high in nutrients. Spirulina? The benefits outweigh the gross taste - it's a natural detoxifying agent and is good for the digestive system. Claps all round!

310 Kcal / Protein 5g (450ml)
190 Kcal / Protein 3.5g (340ml)

Here are the ingredients:
Coconut Water, Banana, Apple, Avocado, Coconut Palm Sugar, Hawaiian Spirulina, Vanilla Extract
rachel 11 Apr 2015   ⋅   757 views
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