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My parents never let me eat much of this growing up. I mean, have you heard what happens inside your stomach when you eat instant noodles? This shiz was like candy. The less I could have it, the more I wanted it. My mom would only let me eat this as a treat. As simple as this dish is, it was my "reward" food (much like Mcdonalds and all candy). So it became a home-comfort-reward food, a real pick-me-up.
When I went abroad for uni and had to cook for myself, this was my homesick-food choice.
When people ate kebabs after a night out, this is my go-to choice (yes, I'd cook after a night out).
When I go home after a super late night at work, I eat this to comfort myself.
Fried egg and spam are just the basics.
NOTE: If given the choice, just pay that extra $ premium for some Nissin (出前一丁). It beats that Doll bullcrap any day.
21 Apr 2015