Hong Kong - Best Hiking Routes

Hong Kong - Best Hiking Routes

Hong Kong offers so much more than just food and shopping. Take some time to get close to nature and explore some of the most beautiful hiking trails in this part of the world.
louannwong 06 Mar 2015   ⋅   7,144 views   ⋅  1 favorite
  • Wilson Trail

    Voted the best urban trail in Asia, the Wilson Trail is a helluva hike. It's a popular route, so if you want to enjoy the peace and tranquility of a hike, try doing it late in the evening and into the night. One word of caution; check the pollution level of the city before embarking on this hike!
    06 Mar 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,627 views
  • Cheung Chau Trail

    Hiding in this sleepy fishing village is a great trail for those looking for a good workout. It's not a tough trail (no serious hiking equipments needed) but invest in a good pair of shoes. Explore the nooks and crannies, go off the recommended trail and you'll discover some really beautiful lookout points. Set aside at least 3 hours for this hike.
    06 Mar 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 910 views
  • Lamma Island Trail

    An easy hike with ok view (relative to other trails in HK). If you have half a day and are looking for a walk in the park (literally), this is a good trial to go on.
    06 Mar 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 759 views
  • MacLehose Trail

    10 different stages, 10 different levels of difficulty, more than 10 picturesque spots.
    06 Mar 2015 3 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,014 views

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