Stuff Startup Founders Need

Stuff Startup Founders Need

Some of the most useful tips, products, and motivational pieces that have been indispensable for my entrepreneurial journey. Adding as I discover more new and cool things.
Aaron 23 Mar 2015   ⋅   6,223 views   ⋅  3 favorites
  • StartUp: The Podcast

    This podcast documents a real life experience of a guy starting up a business, in real time, as it happens. It mostly consists of recorded conversations with investors, cofounders, customers, etc with a bit of narrative thrown in to give context. A fantastic way to get insight on a lot of things that people don't experience until they become founders themselves - it has been of tremendous value to me personally. There are 14 episodes that run roughly 20-40 minutes each.

    You can download it on an iPhone/iPad via the Podcasts app, or visit the site here:
    23 Mar 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,441 views
  • Google Analytics

    Amazing tool for analytics on your website to help you track everything from the number of visitors and page views to how many people are on your site right now and what they're currently looking at. Incredibly powerful features to really help you analyze your traffic and optimize your site to maximize user engagement. A must have for any online business, and its FREE!
    07 Apr 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,241 views
  • Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (podcast)

    A series of recorded lectures at Stanford by founders of hugely successful companies. Their stories, lessons, tips, and a Q&A at the end. Basically what you would get if you were sitting in a seminar with a bunch of great entrepreneurs as guest speakers.
    23 Mar 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 2,739 views
  • FounderDating

    FounderDating is like a LinkedIn / social network / discussion forum solely for entrepreneurs and startup founders. The site was made for people to find potential co-founders for their ventures, but also has many other useful features such as their blog and discussion boards.

    The Daily Digest email newsletters in particular are excellent - a steady stream of topics from other founders on anything and everything relevant to someone running a startup, with thoughtful replies and debates from other founders. This is by far the aspect I love and use the most.
    21 Jul 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,000 views
  • Balsamiq Mockups (wireframing tool)

    Wireframes are essentially professional mockups of a product to give a sense of how it looks and feels without having to actually develop it. One of the first steps for a startup is to create a mockup of the layout and design of the app, and what the navigation and workflow is like. Instead of trying to draw with pen & paper, balsamiq lets you drag-and-drop resizable sketches of common website/app elements like an iPhone or browser window, buttons, icons, etc. No coding or artistic abilities required!

    Also very useful later down the road when you want to make website revamps and need to see how it would look before investing the time to actually change it.
    23 Mar 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,321 views
  • Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

    This book comes highly recommended by a good college buddy of mine on how to structure and deliver your pitch. I haven't actually read the book yet, but I watched the video interview linked below and thought it was very useful.

    The key parts to me were how the brain works in processing and filtering information, as well as how to structure a pitch in a narrative format to maximize success. There are also some points about how to approach these meetings and command control over them, be in a position of power, etc - some may love this and some may hate it, so just take whatever works for you.
    01 Aug 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,681 views
  • Google Trends

    You want to know how many people are searching for topics and products related to yours, not only to size up the potential market but also to see if the terms are trending upwards or downwards. It can also be helpful to compare and contrast competitors, complimentary search terms, or other wording that may be of interest.

    Google Trends lets you see trends for specific search terms filtered by location, time period, category, and web/image/news/shopping/YouTube search. It lets you compare interest over time of multiple terms against each other on a relative scale, regional interest, and related searches.
    20 Aug 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 700 views

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