Stuff Startup Founders Need

Stuff Startup Founders Need

Some of the most useful tips, products, and motivational pieces that have been indispensable for my entrepreneurial journey. Adding as I discover more new and cool things.
Aaron 23 Mar 2015   ⋅   6,223 views   ⋅  3 favorites
  • FounderDating

    I love this site and use it daily via the Daily Digest discussion summaries. The entire community is composed of founders and entrepreneurs, many of whom are facing / have faced the same issues and decisions that we come across. Lots of great ideas and conversations around an endless amount of high level as well as very specific topics relevant to the startup scene.

    Sign up for their daily digest and read the discussions you're interested in - you'll get a lot of useful insights.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Balsamiq Mockups (wireframing tool)

    This is a great tool for people to create mock-ups really quickly and easily using a simple drag-n-drop UI and common website/app elements to choose from. It is quite versatile and powerful - much better and faster than mocking up in PowerPoint or diving straight into code.

    I think Balsamiq is particularly powerful for non-coders to translate their ideas into a tangible wireframe and concept.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

    I haven't read the book but I watched the YouTube interview with London Real and found it to be very useful. I especially love the parts about the 'crocodile brain' and how to structure information to be interesting, as well as the advice to start with a narrative around the proposition before continuing on to the problem and then solution.

    Highly recommended for anyone that may need to pitch/sell or even explain anything.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (podcast)

    I really enjoy listening to these hour-long lectures by experienced entrepreneurs and investors and the lessons they have learnt; they're perfect for my daily commute to work! Lots of unique stories and perspectives to glean from.

    Of course, some speakers are more relevant to you than others, so just pick and choose based on the name, title, and/or company if you don't want to listen to them all.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • StartUp: The Podcast

    This was my first podcast and still the best series thus far. Getting a real insiders look into the conversations, issues, and decisions founders face was very useful as well as comforting (many of us face similar dilemmas). I loved that they didn't shy away from or hide the very intimate details - the equity discussion in particular is a huge example of something everyone wants to know about but no one shares.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics is AMAZING! It is the only tab that has a dedicated portion of my screen 24/7. Real time analysis of active users and what pages they're on, historical data on viewership and metrics, analytics of where your users are coming from (e.g. Facebook, Google search, a forum link), and a bunch of other uber helpful things I probably haven't even discovered yet.

    If you have a website then you 100% must have Google Analytics set up for it.
    Aaron 13 Aug 2015
  • Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

    I have a background in asset management sales and have always been a little skeptical of "evangelists" focused on the subject of selling/closing. I did, however, enjoy watching the interview in the link provided in the description above - some interesting/useful concepts in creating the perceived scarcity of what you are looking to sell.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015
  • FounderDating

    Some really interesting threads which are summarised each week in email to subscribers. A really useful and engaged audience to run your own opinions or questions by particularly given their filtered membership criteria.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015
  • Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders (podcast)

    There's a lot of material to choose from throughout this ongoing series. I've picked up some great snippets from each podcast that I've listened to with my personal favourites being "Putting Startup Success in Perspective - John Collison (Stripe) - 18th Feb 2015" and "Find your venture's emotional core - Susan Koger (Modcloth) - 27th May 2015".
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015
  • Google Analytics

    Not sure what life would have been like for tech start-up founders before Google Analytics. It continues to amaze me what this service provides website owners for zero cost.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015
  • StartUp: The Podcast

    This is the first podcast series that I have listened to in its entirety. Loved the candour expressed throughout each episode alongside the emotional roller-coaster that truly reflects life in the start-up world. I'd recommend the first series of this podcast to anyone thinking about starting up a business of really any nature.
    Stoopy 12 Aug 2015
  • 1

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