John & Rachel's Trips to the Cinema

John & Rachel's Trips to the Cinema

A list of all the movies we've watched together in the cinema from day one :)

I save all the ticket stubs, too.
rachel 08 Apr 2015   ⋅   3,664 views   ⋅  2 favorites
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron

    I have to admit - I couldn't get through the first Avengers years ago. I never finished it.

    I knew John really wanted to see this, so took him and bought him an Avengers popcorn bucket, Avengers soda cup, and it came with lots of little Avengers-themed mints and iPhone/iPad plug thing.

    I really enjoyed it! Best part was when Captain America nearly lifted Thor's hammer - the look on Thor's face! Ha!

    Hulk is pretty f'kin cool, too.
    16 May 2015 2 comments 2 photos ⋅ 1,173 views
  • Spy

    This movie has taught me that I am allowed to be as vulgar as I want, because Melissa McCarthy can.

    24 May 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,336 views
  • The Wolf of Wall Street

    Our first date - February 15, 2014
    08 Apr 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,626 views
  • The Imitation Game

    Movie about Alan Turing. Good movie, kept John awake enough.
    08 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 841 views
  • Big Hero 6

    By far one of our favorites!!!

    I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion.

    I am not fast.
    08 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,479 views
  • Furious 7

    So many "WTF" moments, but all in all, a pretty cool movie if you aren't lookin' for a story. Literally, shout-out-loud "what the fuhhhhhhhhhhhh" in the cinema. Everyone else silent as crap, as if cars fallin' out of the sky is NBD.

    I must admit - I have never seen any of the FF films. I went into this one knowing only this: 1) Letty lost her memory but has now somehow regained it - and used to screw Vin Diesel; 2) Paul Walker is gone (RIP) so looked out for cgi versions of unfinished scenes; 3) it's about cars and violence and shiz.

    I didn't really need to know much else.
    08 Apr 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,359 views ⋅ 1 favorite
  • Blended

    An Adam Sandler-Drew Barrymore movie. Funny enough, but not the best one. 50 First Dates is by far the winner for this comedy duo.
    08 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,303 views
  • Get Hard

    When we watched this with our buddy Ayayron in Singapore - too many laughs. Decided John would not survive in prison.

    Sad Dog. I think that's a strategy that could work, don't sexually harass me I'm already sad...
    09 Apr 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,374 views
  • 22 Jump Street

    So good, we watched it TWICE. Once in Singapore with our buddy Ayayron, and once again in Hong Kong with our buddy WXY.

    Mega laughs from start to finish. TURN DOWN FOR WHAT?


    09 Apr 2015 2 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,026 views
  • Interstellar

    It was a damn tearjerker. John watched me cry more than he watched the film itself.
    09 Apr 2015 3 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,410 views ⋅ 1 favorite
  • Gone Girl


    CRAY BISH ahoy!
    09 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 1,348 views
  • Kingsman: The Secret Service

    It was funny how John didn't get a lot of the Bri'ish slang used in the film.

    Sorry, love. Gotta save the world.

    If you save the world, We can do it in the asshole.
    09 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 830 views
  • Let's Be Cops

    It was a so-so movie. Just an easy Friday night comedy at the cinema. This New Girl-cast comedy duo (Wayans and Johnson) are a funny pair, though. They're probably funnier in New GIrl.

    Key from Key and Peele is in it too.
    09 Apr 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 873 views
  • Inside Out

    Favorite Pixar movie

    So many tears. Clever concept.

    I lava you
    28 Jul 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 682 views
  • Pitch Perfect 2

    You're my fl[x]shlight.

    Songs are good. Das Sound Machine were pretty amazing.

    Wouldn't pay to watch this in the cinema. Only watch if you know you're going to cringe for 1h55m and you're ok about that.
    28 Jul 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 641 views
  • San Andreas

    Wasn't worth watching in cinemas, or paying extra for the 3D. It did, however, raise my awareness of the San Andreas fault line and how devastating that could be on my then-upcoming-holiday to California.

    The Rock is always fun to watch.

    His daughter was annoying though - she shoulda just died in the car. I mean, in real life, she would've. Just sayin'.
    28 Jul 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 638 views
  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Holy shiet this is the BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. WHAT A LOVELY DAY!

    Oh my god, where do I even begin?

    It is basically every f*cked up sh*t that I have ever imagined f*cked up to be.

    I started "chroming" for weeks. Just because it was fun.

    So much respect for Charlize Theron in this.

    This is a pretty good index of all the f*cked up sh*t there was in the movie (SPOILER ALERT):
    28 Jul 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 644 views
  • Ant-Man

    TBH, only watched this because Paul Rudd is funny as sh*t. Concept is pretty cool, and the ants are somewhat cute. Kind of. I'm still a little confused on that front.

    Peter from House of Cards will never look like a good guy to me.

    It's ok, but not worth watching in cinemas. Put it on in the background and fall asleep to it.
    28 Jul 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 522 views

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