favourite nood food smoothies

favourite nood food smoothies

John and I workout at PURE, and we would often treat ourselves (well, just myself, really) to a nice, cold smoothie from the nood food juice bar after working hard! #gains

I LOVE their smoothies. Here's a non-exhaustive list of my fave smoothies. You can also get other stuff from the juice bar, like cold-pressed juices (cleanse, anyone?), kale chips, salads etc.

Check them out here:
Pure Yoga (AST), Pure Fitness (Lee Theatre Plaza), Pure South (The Pulse), Pure Fitness (Kinwick Centre).
rachel 11 Apr 2015   ⋅   3,822 views   ⋅  2 favorites
  • Piña Kale-ada

    Haha, the piña colada is by far, my favorite cocktail, closely followed by a mojito (yes, I like my rum, and what?). I would usually never go for the fruit & veggie smoothies, because why would you want to when you could have the zomg-so-damn-good-but-so-damn-packed-with-calories seed/nut/protein smoothies? Don't get me wrong though - as mean and green as it looks, it's pretty darn tasty.

    It tastes like exactly what's in it - the taste of apple makes the taste of kale go down better. Sometimes those heavy nut/seed/protein smoothies are a bit heavy for a hot summer day, so this little number does the trick. It's refreshing, light and sweet!

    This may not be my favorite one yet, but it is my favorite out of the Fruit/Veggie assortment. The other that would follow closely is C-Energiser.

    210 Kcal / Protein 4.5g (450ml)
    200 Kcal / Protein 3.5g (340ml)

    Pineapple, Banana, Cucumber, Apple, Kale, Coconut Water
    16 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 1,066 views
  • Hershe's

    I generally don't like the idea of having a chocolatey smoothie after a workout. It feels a little too decadent for my taste. I've had some other chocolate-y ones from nood food, but this is probably the best chocolate-based smoothie they have. Great thing is, you don't feel so guilty even after you've gulped down the whole thing!

    Don't let the name fool you. I don't think there is any Hershey chocolate bar or syrup in it...at least the ingredients don't say so. It does taste pretty darn good, though.

    My favourite thing about this smoothie = cacao nibs. Gives the smoothie some crunchy texture! It's kind of like crunchy, super-dark-chocolate beans.

    Here are the ingredients:

    Coconut Water, Banana, Cashew Nuts, Coconut Palm Sugar, Cacao Powder, Cacao Nibs, Chia Seeds, Pink Himalayan Salt
    11 Apr 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 798 views
  • Key West

    Does the green scare you, or does it entice you? I call this the Hulk. Try this one if you're lookin' for some exotic kick (of color!) to your smoothie! It's a lovely green, hulky color. It's probably from the mix of avocado and spirulina. I think this smoothie is an acquired taste. You gotta at least like avocados if you want to enjoy this, because the smoothie basically tastes a bit like a balmy fresh vegetable infused creamy butter...but this is meant to mask the taste of spirulina (IMHO, is like, pond scum). There are so many benefits to this mean, green combo if you can take them! Avocados are a healthy fat and is very high in nutrients. Spirulina? The benefits outweigh the gross taste - it's a natural detoxifying agent and is good for the digestive system. Claps all round!

    310 Kcal / Protein 5g (450ml)
    190 Kcal / Protein 3.5g (340ml)

    Here are the ingredients:
    Coconut Water, Banana, Apple, Avocado, Coconut Palm Sugar, Hawaiian Spirulina, Vanilla Extract
    11 Apr 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 757 views
  • Maca-pichu

    Try this one if you're lookin' for something creamy, yet light and a lil' watery. I've only ever had this with 'less sugar', though. If you can take the taste of maca (which I think is a unique flavor that is a bit sweet, but also bitter), then this is for you. However, even if the root-y flavor isn't something you like, I think this smoothie does a pretty good job at masking that with the taste of coconut. Not only does it taste so darn good, coconut butter is also this magical, metabolism-boosting health concoction with so many loaded nutritional benefits. It's a healthy fat, so you feel fuller for longer.

    The irish moss just gives it a smooth, creamy texture to the smoothie. It's actually an anti-oxidant and has a soothing effect on your tissues and digestive system.

    500 Kcal / Protein 7g (450ml)
    330 Kcal / Protein 5g (340ml)

    Here are the ingredients:

    Coconut Water, Coconut Pulp, Coconut Butter, Coconut Palm Sugar, Maca Powder, Irish Moss Paste, Pink Himalayan Salt
    11 Apr 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 739 views
  • Refueller

    I love all the ingredients in this. Like, all of it, except for the Vanilla Pro Mix, but you know what? It tastes so darn good with everything else in this smoothie.

    It's thick, creamy and so sweet. It's a very mild taste. Did you know that good ol' nutty cashews is an energy booster?

    Of course, if you are not a fan of avocados, don't try it. You'll definitely find the taste of avocados a little overpowering. For a moment there, I typed "overempowering" - though not a real word, it is what I feel when I drink this to get me through the day after a tough workout in the morning. The name really is what it is - it refuels you. SO MUCH POWER.

    640 Kcal / Protein 53g (450ml)
    500 Kcal / Protein 49g (340ml)

    Soy Milk, Banana, Vanilla Pro Mix, Yogurt, Avocado, Raw Honey, Cashew Nuts
    16 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 722 views
  • Pre-Workout Delight

    The first time I tried this was post-workout. Yeah, I break the rules. And what? To be fair, I worked out in the morning and was going on a mid-day hike. I think it's justified.

    This one is so tasty! It's high on sugar, but the taste of coconut and almond butter gives it that just-right sweetness. It's not an overpowering flavour - quite mild, actually.

    Honestly, I haven't got much to say about this one. It just tastes nice. Sweet. Kinda like a nice, boring girl. Am I allowed to say that?

    Coconut Water, Coconut Yogurt, Strawberries, Banana, Almond Butter, Coconut Flower Nectar, Sprouted Rice Protein Powder, Vanilla Extract
    23 Apr 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 716 views
  • Maca Protein Builder

    This is by far my favourite, go-to choice. It's refreshing and keeps me feeling fuller for longer. Maca is a great energy booster and mood lifter, so say goodbye to the dreadful, humid weather dragging you down. This smoothie uses vegan protein, so it's a great post-work-out recovery drink. Vegan protein contains high levels of amino acids to help boost the immune system and it also play important roles in muscle tissue repair.

    Of course, taste-wise, if you're a fan of bananas and coconut, this is definitely a good one to try! It's got a delightful, thick, creamy texture as well.

    Tip: This smoothie is very sweet, so try requesting for less or no sugar.

    Warning: Super calorie-jammed. I would only treat myself to this if I've worked super hard.

    780 Kcal / Protein 28g (450ml)
    510 Kcal / Protein 32g (340ml)

    Here are the ingredients:
    Coconut Water, Banana, Coconut Pulp, Cashew Nuts, Sprouted Rice Protein Powder, Coconut Palm Sugar, Maca, Chia Seeds, Pink Himalayan Salt
    11 Apr 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 685 views

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