Flowers Make Me Happy

Flowers Make Me Happy

Getting girls flowers can be quite a knotty issue. And being the sweet heart that I am, I've come up with a list of flowers I like so that you, my dear friends, will never have to worry about making the wrong choice.
louannwong 12 May 2015   ⋅   4,159 views
  • Hydrangeas

    Nothing. Absolutely nothing is more elegant than hydrangeas. I can't even begin. Why? Because it comes in the most pleasing pastel colours, it looks exquisite on its own and it is great accompaniment with any flower. I really do mean ANY flower; be it plain-old roses or even the unlikely peonies, just include hydrangeas to the bunch and you get a stunning bouquet.
    12 May 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 855 views
  • Peonies

    This is a tricky one. Unlike hydrangeas, you can't just pair it with anything, gather a bunch and assume that it will work. Peonies are a class of its own; it's elegant, stunning and has a very strong character. In my opinion, it's better to have it alone, or adorned with hydrangeas. With peonies, less is really more.
    12 May 2015 1 comment 1 photo ⋅ 809 views ⋅ 1 favorite
  • Tulips

    Tulip bouquets have a lifespan like the memory span of a goldfish. Extremely short. I think they are beautiful but would very much prefer to see them on a field than in a bunch.
    12 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 632 views
  • Wild Flowers

    Surprise me with some hand-picked wild flowers and you have my heart. Lilac, Daisies, Pink Lupinus, Lavender... like I said, a bunch of wild flowers, it could be anything.
    12 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 533 views
  • Gardenia

    Simple. White. Elegant. Sweet. No number of adjectives can fully capture the beauty of Gardenia.
    12 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 699 views
  • Magnolia

    Can't leave this beauty out even though it's probably more beautiful on the tree than in a bouquet. Magnolia trees are some of the most beautiful trees in the world, and their elegant, romantic blooms are one of the most romantic flowers of all.
    12 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 613 views
  • Sakura aka Cherry Blossoms

    Everyone would agree that Cherry Blossom Trees are beautiful but who would have thought to put it together in a bouquet? Mix the Sakura up with some pink and white roses, and you'll get a charming little bouquet.
    12 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 592 views
  • Ranunculus

    What can I say? The look like rose, but better.
    Words commonly associated with Ranunculus: charming, dazzling
    08 Jun 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 311 views

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