Restaurants in HK with great vegan options

Restaurants in HK with great vegan options

It's such a pain trying to find restaurants with good vegan options. So here it is, a list of places that I've visited (or would like to visit). Some good, some bad, some mediocre- you be the judge.
louannwong 18 May 2015   ⋅   7,100 views   ⋅  2 favorites
  • Life Organic Restaurant & Bar

    10 Shelley Street (with various outlets)
    My absolute favourite vegetarian restaurant in Hong Kong. The outlet at Shelley Street is by far my favourite, occupying 3 levels.

    Level 1: A little deli with a good selection of "modern vegetarian" dishes including salads, sandwiches, wraps, pastries, cakes, organic chocolates etc. They also have a great selection of organic beers, juices etc. For those who just want a quick bit, there are a few high stools and a communal table too. The food is tasty and the serving is generous.

    Fave dishes at the deli: Salad (must try the tofu and quinoa), Tofu Wrap.

    Level 2&3: A full service restaurant. It's quaint, it's cosy and it's perfect for a casual dinner date. Be sure to make a reservation as it gets a little crowded on the weekends; you can always get a seat but maybe not by the window or the comfy little corner you'd prefer.

    Fave dishes: Organic Hummus Dip, Organic Sweet Potato Stew, Sesame Tofu Stir Fry
    18 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 820 views
  • Mana! Fast Slow Food

    92 Wellington Street
    I've only been to Mana! once and I got the takeaway salad and soup, so I can only share what little impression and experience I had.

    I love the decor; the restaurant has a very charming rustic ambience. The food was good but the service was less than ideal.

    That said, I would like to give it another shot. Soon.
    18 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 890 views
  • Ebeneezer's Kebabs and Pizzeria

    Various locations in Hong Kong
    Don't you just love a menu with vegetarian options? Ebeneezer's makes one of the best Falafel Kebabs (it's like a wrap with fried veg, Lebanese patties and Falafel served in pita bread) I've had. The thing I love about Middle Eastern food is the burst of flavours you get in a single dish, and I assure you that it's exactly what you'll experience when you bite into the Falafel Kebab.

    Apart from their famed Falafel Kebabs, their Hummus in Pita and Salad is pretty amazing too.
    19 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 834 views
  • Caffe HABITU the table

    Various locations
    You can never go wrong with a cafe that serves good coffee. Habitu has some pretty delicious vegetarian options on their menu. I've yet to try them all but have all intention to pay them another few visits. Like I said, you can never go wrong with a cafe that serves good coffee :D

    Love their Creamy Truffle Mushroom Soup (rich and simply delish!) and Balsamic Portobello Burger (juicy, tender and mouthwatering). Well, I do love all things made with shrooms so I could be a tad bit bias there.

    Other dishes I want to try: Spinach and Ricotta Tortellini, Roasted Vegetable Lasagne and 3mm Thin & Crispy Margherita Pizza (I am crazy about thin crust pizzas). Next time!
    20 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 863 views
  • Branto (Indian Restaurant)

    1/F 9 Lock Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
    A nondescript little restaurant serving up some pretty good Indian vegetarian fare.

    Tbh, I am not familiar with Indian dishes and have never really ordered anything on my own on my last few visits. The menu is quite extensive (with Chinese and Italian options! Strange!) so to err on the safe side, just get the set meals or ask for recommendations.

    My absolute favourite is the Dahi Puri, a traditional Indian snack of deep-fried balls of dough filled with yogurt and spices. One word of caution though, the taste/quality of somes dishes lack consistency. That said, the overall quality of food is still pretty decent. Well, at least good enough for me to go back several times.
    20 May 2015 0 comments 1 photo ⋅ 844 views

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