How to find Interns in Singapore

How to find Interns in Singapore

Your business has launched and you've proven your concept. Now you just need a few more hands to help you reach that next goal. What better way to support this early growth stage of your business than by bringing on a intern. Let this guide help you to get started in that search.
TheHubSG 19 Aug 2015   ⋅   1,751 views   ⋅  1 favorite
  • Culturepush

    Great website to be inspired by creative and talented people in Singapore. I posted an internship listing on their jobs board and was pleased with the response albeit not quite as filtered as more dedicated sites to my specific needs.
    Stoopy 19 Aug 2015
  • Glints

    Dedicated to internships and graduate jobs in Singapore. I created my internship job posting for free on their platform and received the detailed profile of five applicants a week later. We liked the look of three of the candidates and used our 20% special offer to arrange the interview stage with each. Following this quick and easy process we were really happy with the intern we took on board.
    Stoopy 19 Aug 2015
  • Glints

    Glints is super cool and easy to use, and I was able to get some applicants and an intern for my startup. It did take a few weeks though - there are lots of internship postings (over 1,000 right now!) from many cool companies so you'll need to figure out how to stand out from the rest and attract people to apply.

    I'd suggest using a really cool photo and talking up your company + the role in the first sentence to attract people quickly.
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
    Like ⋅ 1 like
  • Glints

    As part of our exciting collaboration with Glints, all postings made with our promo code will receive 20% off at the checkout page. Contact your community manager for the code.
    TheHubSG 19 Aug 2015
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  • Hubbers Facebook Group

    I went to the Facebook group looking to get referrals to interns, but ended up meeting someone who became my co-founder. Am really glad I didn't corner myself into an 'internship/jobs' site since I got so much more out of the process. Plus, I got a bunch of cool feedback and potential partnerships as a result of letting people know about what I'm doing.

    Hint: post here even if you're not looking for interns, you never know what you'll get!
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
    Like ⋅ 1 like
  • StartUpJobs

    I used StartUpJobs and it is just like any other job portal but specific for startups. They have a dedicated Internship tab which we could list on. We got a few internship applications through them and ended up getting 2 pretty good interns. Definitely a cool platform, but at the end of the day make sure you do your part in interviewing them and setting their expectations properly!
    Aaron 19 Aug 2015
  • Hubbers Facebook Group

    A great place to start your search for an intern. You quickly discover that you're not the only one who has gone down this path. The wealth of knowledge, contacts, and suggestions that this community can provide is often priceless.
    Stoopy 19 Aug 2015
  • 1

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