

This is my site! I hope you like it :)


  • Tsui Wah in My Favorite Hong Kong Food

    The Malaysian curry beef brisket and crispy buns w/ condensed milk are my favorite dishes as Tsui Wah, and I've yet to be disappointed over dozens of trips. Great food, cheap prices, and open 24 hours - what's not to love?
    07 Apr 2015
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  • Thai Basil in My Favorite Hong Kong Food

    Awesome soft-shell crab. Large portions and good quality - you can taste a healthy dose of crab meat under the texture of the fried shell.
    07 Apr 2015
  • Portuguese Egg Tart @ Macau Restaurant in My Favorite Hong Kong Food

    Seriously the best Portuguese egg tarts I've had. No trip to Hong Kong is complete without them, and friends from HK know this is the only thing I'll ask for when they visit me in SG.
    07 Apr 2015
  • TripAdvisor Offline City Guides in Must Have Travel Apps

    If I could have one app on my phone when I am on holiday, this would be it. The ability to head into a general area and then use the GPS features to find other nearby attractions, restaurants, etc and then point me there with a simple arrow is seriously amazing - especially without needing to get a SIM card for data.

    This app has literally changed the way I travel - I now spend a lot more time doing and enjoying instead of planning or missing out.
    01 Apr 2015
  • XE Currency in Must Have Travel Apps

    Not only do I use XE Currency nonstop when I travel, I also use it all the time at home when checking forex rates or making overseas purchases. It is incredibly convenient after you configure the few currencies you're interested in, and has prevented all those costly miscalculations I used to make when manually converting foreign currencies.
    01 Apr 2015
  • WorldMate in Must Have Travel Apps

    While I am already quite meticulous about managing my trips in Excel spreadsheets, calendars, and DropBox folders, WorldMate is a must-have tool to always know when/where my next flight is and what hotel we to go to. The simplicity of opening the app and seeing everything neatly organized at your fingertips - all without doing anything other than forwarding confirmation emails - is magical.
    01 Apr 2015
  • Wine Mansion @ Keong Saik in Cool Places to Drink in Singapore

    The daily 4-hour wine buffet (5pm - 9pm) is great value for money. Not sure about the red wine, white wine, or beer, but the moscato and prosecco are great picks.
    31 Mar 2015
  • Modern Family (2009-) in TV shows that you MUST watch says Reg

    I was really happy to find this show compared to all the random fantasy / thriller / action / mystery shows on the market now. Reminds me of life in the US and how fun it can be, and also brings the focus back to family and happy endings without needing crazy amounts of action / sex / profanity to get there. Moreso than most others, I feel happy when I watch Modern Family.
    31 Mar 2015
  • Southpark (1997-) in TV shows that you MUST watch says Reg

    LOVE South Park. When I was younger and this just came out, it was adult potty humor and nothing more (IMHO). Since then it has evolved into giving meaningful insights into current affairs globally while still being entertaining and funny as hell. One of the very few shows I still actually watch.

    Highly recommend the 'Freemium Isn't Free' show. Can watch all the full episodes for free at http://southpark.cc.com/ that is, unless you live in blocked countries like Singapore =\
    31 Mar 2015
  • F.r.i.e.n.d.s. (1994-2004) in TV shows that you MUST watch says Reg

    Definitely one of the tops of my list too. Love all the highs and lows - you really make a connection with the characters after a few seasons.

    ps. Monica is freaking hot
    31 Mar 2015
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  • Zachary's Pizza in San Francisco restaurant MUST VISIT

    OMG YES! Totally recommend this to everyone who visits SF / Berkeley. Wish they had pizza like this in Singapore
    31 Mar 2015
  • DBS Woman's World MasterCard in Best Credit Cards for Airline Miles in Singapore

    Used in conjunction with prepaid cards, this is my most consistent spending every month. While not the most amazing card on its own due to being limited to $2k and online purchases - the flexibility it offers via prepaid top ups is truly liberating.

    When people don't want to bother with having a ton of cards and remembering how/when to use each, I always recommend this one (plus a prepaid) as the simplest solution while still getting 4 miles / S$.
    31 Mar 2015
  • Prepaid Credit Cards (IMAGINE, FEVO, M1) in Best Credit Cards for Airline Miles in Singapore

    An absolute must for the min-maxer, the convenience these cards enable when used with other cards is great. Use it to handle those small bills (e.g. $4.99, $9.99) where other cards round down to the nearest $5 for mileage. Top it up to 'spend' an exact amount of money within a certain timeframe for another card's promotion. And lastly, invaluable as a filler card for transactions that couldn't earn 4 miles / S$ otherwise.

    Doubles as an EZ-Link card that you can personalize as well.
    31 Mar 2015
  • Sarnies in Favourite lunch spots in Singapore

    Great tasting chicken Caesar salad that will fill you up, unlike a lot of the other similarly priced salads around the CBD. The pulled pork and fish tacos are also very nice. Love the atmosphere and the friendly staff - they really treat you like you're a buddy visiting their home.
    30 Mar 2015
  • [EXPIRED] UOB Preferred Platinum AMEX in Best Credit Cards for Airline Miles in Singapore

    IMHO the best card to use on a sustained basis given that dining & drinks account for the bulk of most people's spending coupled with there being no limit on the 4 miles / S$ earn rate.
    30 Mar 2015
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  • Haha Thai-ramisu in 6 dishes every Thai Food Lover in SG must try!!

    Had the chance to get a sneak peek trying out this Thai-ramisu a week ago - it was great! The cheaper, pre-packaged tiramisu is usually quite stiff while higher end places have it pretty soggy, but this was the perfect balance of texture that was just right. As a chocolate lover with a big sweet tooth the taste hit just the right spots too.

    Went for another serving all to myself - get your own, I'm not sharing!
    28 Mar 2015
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  • Ice ball maker in Stuff that I would introduce

    Saw this live in action - works like magic! Made our whiskey taste better too :)
    28 Mar 2015
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  • Dimbulah in The Ultimate Guide to the Best Coffee in Singapore

    The Strawberry Lolly shake is fantastic. Real strawberries, yogurt, and a very unique taste. Just had 2 of them in one afternoon!
    11 Mar 2015
  • The Hangar in The Ultimate Guide to the Best Coffee in Singapore

    Mango smoothie is awesome, totally taste the honey. Don't let the looks deceive you
    05 Mar 2015
  • Tajarin (Casa Tartufo) in JIAK LIMI?

    Totally agree! Love all things truffle so Casa is right up my alley. Still need to try out the new place tho, will do so on a special occasion :)
    16 Feb 2015
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